From salad to pizza, pasta, and ketchup, tomato is a familiar ingredient to various food cultures. This vegetable, originally a tiny fruit that was less than 1cm in diameter, had gone around the world in only several centuries after European discovered the New Continent, and now flourishes as a ‘global food’.
Food Atlas has researched different aspects of tomato, such as from botanical, economical, political, cultural points of view, and visualized the outcomes as an exhibition and a book.
企画・制作:Food Atlas
The exhibition highlighted different aspects of tomato such as history of evolution, morphology, culture, or social issues, telling unknown stories of this familiar food. Potted tomato plants from five different heirloom breeds decorated the space. We collaborated with local farmers and sold their tomatoes grown in the Hamamatsu area. Visitors were able to taste them in the exhibition space.
The exhibition offered visitors an opportunity of experiencing two confronting concepts of tomato, ‘global’ and ‘local’.
concept & design:Food Atlas
site:Gallery A (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka)
date:18/09/2015 – 02/08/2015
「グローバルフード」として世界を席巻するトマトの、植物学的進化・経済社会問題の2つの側面からのリサーチから浮かび上がるストーリーを、写真やイラスト、マップとともに伝える本。2015年に静岡県浜松市のギャラリーあで開催された「わたしたちのたべもの展 -トマト編-」をベースに新たなリサーチを追加し、展示よりもさらにオリジナリティの高いビジュアルブックとなっている。
A visual book about tomato that conquers the world as a ‘global food’. It mainly focuses on two aspects of; botanical evolution of tomato, and economical-social problem of tomato growing and trading. The book tells stories of these two themes with pictures, illustrations, and maps. The book is composed of some extracts from the exhibition ‘Our Food – Tomato –‘ in 2015 at Gallery A (Hamamatsu, Japan), and additional research conducted after the exhibition both in Japan and the Netherlands.
We live in a time when it’s very difficult to know where our food comes from due to the globalization and the progress of food industries. At the same time, eating is an everyday act and essential for us to survive.
Food has been deeply connected to politics, culture, and economics for a long time. It has been locally harvested and consumed but on the other hand, greatly affected by the global flow of the times. Food is what we eat and also the lives of other living things. Mass-produced food products often make us forget the fact that we receive energy of other lives.
In ‘Our Food’ project, we research ordinary ingredients that everyone eats for daily meals, or acts and phenomena around food. The project aims at communicating how our lives are connected to the world and nature through various visual media such as installations, publications, and products.